What we do

The CCOC is the Catalan olive oil centre and centre for oil tourism.

The CCOC is a point of observation, grouping, research and collaboration. The main objective of this project is to work on the knowledge and recognition of olive oil.

Olive oil is a common thread around which an agricultural, gastronomic, touristic, artistic, commercial and social world has been woven and it is this particular feature that defines the entire Catalan territory. The CCOC is sensitive to the specific territorial characteristics of the various Catalan regions in which there is a strong imprint of the world of olive oil. It also recognises the cultural values that we share with the entire oil-producing Mediterranean Arc.

Compiling the past and working for the future

The olive oil culture is intensely alive, backed by the thousand-year-old origin on which it bases its experience. Currently, the oil-producing activity in the Catalan regions is working to find its place in a changing world. Today's values of experimenting to get to know, of finding out to be able to value, of looking in depth at the motive, origin and the meaning of economic activities has been the driving force behind oil tourism, locally-sourced sales, new gastronomy and multidisciplinary creation. The CCOC also focuses its raison d'être on this.

The starting point for discovering Les Garrigues Altes

Les Garrigues Altes Tourist Information Office is housed in the CCOC. Here you will find complete, detailed and updated information. To organise your stay we will help you with:
